Acupuncture has proven to be beneficial in improving a whole range of conditions such as; muscular skeletal discomfort, respiratory, digestive and reproduction disorders. Acupuncture can also help with managing pain, addictions, depression, grief and loss.
Our practice is rooted in the traditional methods of Chinese medicine diagnosis which place a great emphasis on pulse taking, in-depth enquiries about your overall health, as well as tongue diagnosis.
After the initial consultation, we will decide on the treatment principles and chose the acupuncture points beneficial for your condition. Small needles are inserted into your skin, sometimes creating a slight discomfort which would disappear shortly.
The acupuncture treatment is known to produce results almost straight away, as the body and mind will achieve a state of balance, peace and calm after the session.
World Health Organisation highlighted the following conditions which can be an effective treatment: Adverse reactions to radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy, Allergic rhinitis (including hay fever), Biliary colic Depression (including depressive neurosis and depression following stroke), Dysmenorrhoea, Acute and chronic gastritis, Facial pain (including craniomandibular disorders), Headache, Hypertension, Primary Induction of labour, Knee pain Leukopenia Low back pain, Malposition of fetus, correction of Morning sickness Nausea and vomiting, Neck pain, dental pain, Periarthritis of shoulder Postoperative pain, Renal colic Rheumatoid arthritis, Sciatica Sprain, Stroke, Tennis elbow.
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